Hello and welcome to my newly created blog. I decided this would probably be the best and easiest way to finally log my Europe trip, and to plan and log all the other trips I want to take and things I want to do and see. I heard about a book titled "1000 Things to See Before You Die" and I went on eBay to buy a copy of said book. eBay didn't find anything under this title which tells me that it probably doesn't exist....I think I'd rather make my own list anyway (plus I don't really like being told what to do).
So this blog is to be my own list of 1000 or so cool things I want to see or have seen during my lifetime. I'll do my best to maintain some type of logical/chronologically dated order but I'm basically just going to go with this and see what happens. By the way, my numbered 1000 list isn't in any type of order of importance or anything, it's just the order it comes out of my head.