Monday, April 16, 2007

#1 The coolest wedding ever....and by that I mean mine.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my superhero husband, Josh. He's pretending he likes my cat Mickey because he loves me.

We've been married for more than two years now and Josh is incredibly supportive of me. He's the best friend I've ever had and I love to hear him laugh.

I had the best time planning our wedding and I can honestly say that our wedding was a perfect reflection of us. Unfortunately, most of the photographer's pictures didn't come out very well and neither of the two videos came out either. I'll try to get some more pictures posted when we get a scanner. My Dad performed the service. You really have to see my bridesmaids' butterfly wings and the gorgeous bouquet that my mom made. We decided none of the pictures or video came out well because our wedding was meant to be sacred to those who attended and would always be magical in our memories (or you can ask Josh exactly what he thought of our photographer - I won't be expressing those opinions here).

These photos are courtesy of our good friend Melanie. Thanks, Mel!

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