Saturday, June 27, 2009

#7 Totally Published Research Paper

I became involved in an undergraduate research project during my junior year at MSU that resulted in a published research paper. So not only did I graduate with a degree in mechanical engineering, I also graduated a published author (co-author, actually). For this honor, MSU sent me and my two professors who co-authored the paper with me to Boston to present the paper at the ASME International Conference. It was such an amazing experience. I fell in love with Boston.

In addition to the trip to Boston, I also presented our research at the North Texas Area Student Conference - '08. For the current year, 2009, I presented another research project we had been working on at the NTASC-'09 regarding observer based control system design. This presentation was titled Lyapunov Optimizing Control with Incomplete State Availability. Following this presentation, we submitted a follow up pedagogical paper to the published paper. We have not yet heard back whether or not this paper will be published. We also hope to have another paper submitted for publishing on the topic of Integral Control. The publishing of either of these two additional papers would mean a trip for the paper presentation. Unfortunately, MSU won't be paying my way this time...but that's quite alright - Boston was the highlight of my academic career, and I was very fortunate to be a part of this research project.

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