Sunday, June 28, 2009


Okay, so back in January, I ran, okay I participated, in the Wee-Chi-Tah Trail Half Marathon. This trail run took place on the mean ass dirt bike trail that runs in and around the parks and homeless hangouts of Wichita Falls. What I didn't realize until about two miles into the run, was that by "Trail Run," they actually meant "Trail Run." This run incorporated 13.1 miles of grassy hills, dirt mounds, sink holes, suspension rope bridges, rusty nails, and a winding forrest of branches hanging down about shoulder height (but they did paint them orange so as to draw your attention to them before they knocked you on your money maker). Now, I had not physically trained for this run. Apparently you can not will yourself into shape, no matter how hard you sit and concentrate. The morning of the run, it was 28 degrees. My knees hurt, my hips hurt, and by the time I crossed the finish line (Yes I did make it, only by the grace of God and my friends Laura and Jerry encouraging me) my toes were curling inside my Nike Shox. If you're wondering how I did, the first place marathoner (two laps around the marked trail) finished about half an hour behind me. *sigh*

So, I thought it would be super fun to sign up for it again during the Hotter 'n Hell Hundred (as in 100 degrees) festivities the weekend of August 29-30. I didn't get serious about training for it until after graduation, so basically about three weeks ago. And, since I tend to comfort myself with food, I gained a nice bit of weight during my last semester so I've found myself trying to lose weight as well as get my body trained and heat acclamated. I am seeing results, but as the heat wears on, I find myself getting tired and cranky. I gave myself the day off today (except I had to go to real work after church) and I'm going to bed early so that tomorrow I can hit the weights in the morning, and then run a nice and easy five miler in the early afternoon heat. I have to admit that I do feel spectacular after a nice hot run. Crazy endorphins out the's about 4 hours later when I feel like taking my electric drill and lobotomizing the first annoying person who crosses my path (no I wouldn't do that)..(yes, I would).

2 comments: said...

Outstanding. I now have a way to live vicariously in Texas and keep up with the Taylorziz. I will be watching.

Not sure if you are familiar with this blog game, but we come up with definitions for the scrambled word verifier. But you have disabled it. So...ok.

covingiv- when you need to give covins.

ArmyofMorg said...

Outstanding. I now have a way to live vicariously in Texas and keep up with the Taylorziz. I will be watching.

Not sure if you are familiar with this blog game, but we come up with definitions for the scrambled word verifier. But you have disabled it. So...ok.

covingiv- when you need to give