Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pimp my yard...

Josh and I bought our first home together in October of 2007 (I took this picture a little late in the day so it came out a little dark). That's a story all it's own, but we'll come back to that another time. Since I was still going to school and working, there wasn't a whole lot of time or money to spend fixing things, painting, gardening, etc. So the first thing I wanted to do after I graduated was start on the yard. All of the flower beds were completely overgrown, the bushes were rather unruly, and some of the weeds were almost as tall as me. We have a few pecan trees in our front and back yard and so some small trees had sprouted in undesireable areas. Basically, the front and back yards we left to fend for themselves....not a good thing. So I started on the front yard first. Josh trimmed and hacked the bushes and I completely cleared out three flower beds. Two in the front of the house, and one on the side. I'd forgotten how expensive it is to buy flowers, potting soil, mulch, decorative's easy to drop $100 for just one flower bed. So I've slowly been buying plants and flowers after paydays to fill up those beds.This is the beautiful bird bath Mom and Doug bought for me. Dexter is currently enjoying it much more than the birds are. It's become his favorite evening hang out and I don't have the heart to fill it up with water yet. I'm desparately trying to keep the flowers I planted around it alive, but the heat this past week is really taking its toll.

I bought a few more front yard plants today, but I think it's definately time to get started on the back yard. Since it's already almost July, it's too damn hot to try to do too much this summer in the way of planting, but we'll give it a good start.

These are hopefully going to be mammoth sunflowers. I planted several seeds next to the house and these sprouts sprang up about a week later. I'm really excited to see if they'll make it! Grow, my pretties...grow!

This is our rock fountain in the back of the yard. See the forrest growing out of it? That's how the flower beds in the front yard used to look (only worse). So now we need to decide if we want to get a plumber over to see if the fountain would even still work, or if we want to fill it in with dirt and turn it into a cool rock planter. I'm all for the planter and I'm pretty sure Josh is too, but my mom did a good job of getting the thought in my head that maybe we should see if it's salvagable as a water fountain. It might be fun to get some cool fish to live in it. But in the mean time, it definately needs to be cleaned out. It's far from being done, but I'm going to try to journal the process of transforming the back yard into the secret garden of my dreams (or at least no more weeds)...

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