Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Let's get back to it...

I had originally started this blog to tell the story of my "famed" trip to Europe a few summers ago. Unfortunately, I was also trying to finish earning my degree in mechanical engineering as well as work enough to pay the bills. So, needless to say, the rest of the trip was never documented, and I'm not even sure where the disk is now with the rest of the pictures on it. I have just graduated from Midwestern State University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am also a co-author on a published research paper. I'm now also an aunt. As you can see, there's a lot more going on here than putting off my life's blog so that I can finish recounting stories of France and Italy. I have some fab stories, for certain, and I will certainly try to continue filling them in here and there so that when I'm an old woman, I can read this and remember all the wonderful things I've seen and done. So I now declare this blog to be back in active status. I have lots and lots to go to get to 1000 so let's get back to it!!

1 comment:

Mel Asmus said...

How do you say " Awesome, I can't wait to hear the long lost France stories" in Wicked French?
- Melanie