Monday, June 29, 2009

Sign SaVvY...

Tonight at my super fun ASL sign language class at the local community college, I was very saddened to learn that Wednesday would be our last class. Our totally def (and totally deaf) ASL instructor James has completely enlightened me to the beautiful world of silent communication. This guy has a sly sense of humor like you wouldn't believe, and a big hearty laugh that you can't help but join. After only one month of classes, I can sign with a fair amount of confidence, and I find myself talking with my hands even more than I used to. Any day of the week Paisan - bring it!

James has invited our entire class to a Deaf Social next month at Atlanta Bread Company. LOVE their chicken salad sandwiches on wheat - and don't forget the pickle this time sil vous plait! That's french for please in sign language. I'm definately going to have to keep practicing so I don't sign too slowly, although James has already told us we're going to have no idea what's going on in any of the conversations (= thanks for the confidence booster). I'm pretty excited for the chance to meet some new peeps though.

If you want to know more about ASL (American Sign Language) visit the totally awesome and generous website . It's a free sign language resource website, chock full of dictionaries, quizzes, and sign language tools-a-plenty!

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